재단법인 한국동물보호협회
read 8851 vote 0 2019.01.13 (20:20:46)

Gong Gong, 1 year after adoption, and she has become only ever more handsome.


Gong Gong was rescued by Mr Chang Seop beginning of June 2017 from a residence inside a military air force base. Gong Gong went on to live in our shelter and was adopted February 2017 by French national Thomas.



▲A recent image of Gong Gong


We contacted Thomas recently and he told “She is the kindest cat ever!!”


…what is he talking about???


Gong Gong did not show the slightest kindness to other cats. She fought other cats so often you could say she was Public Enemy No. 1!


Though this is now all past information and Gong Gong has found her permanent and loving home with Thomas.


It’s a night of happiness for all of us at KAPS.

제목 날짜 조회 수sort

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