재단법인 한국동물보호협회
read 5810 vote 0 2019.01.24 (22:30:18)

Middle of November 2017, I received a call from Daegu Buk-Gu’s citizen centre staff.


The staff explained a citizen had discovered two kittens in a tied plastic bag, in a bin on a hiking trail. The person planned to care for the 2 kittens, but both were feral and unmanageable. Instead the kittens were brought to the centre.


Our cat shelter had been running beyond capacity for quite some time. Some of the rescued cats were kept at my personal residence (KAPS director) and some staff too were fostering animals too. It was a very difficult time to accept more animals.


But I received the call and could hear the two kittens crying in the background. I chose to accept these two kittens.


 “Well, I’ll have to tell the staff tomorrow…”


Me: “Well, we have to rescue as many as we’re able to admit!”


Staff: .........! (inside thought: “Who can stop you when you’re persistent...?”).






As director, I am well aware KAPS experiences staff shortages and the challenge of managing the health of a large cat population. Restricting KAPS’ animal intake aids the health of the cats already in residence. Each time KAPS accepts a new animal, we must balance the risks and benefits.  


So, the two cats were kept at my residence until they had completed 3 rounds of vaccination and both had received desexing surgery.


▲ Day the cats arrived at the director’s residence


In the image, you can see the kitten’s big ears. The kittens were not yet 2 months old at the time of their rescue. The fear of humans and feral behaviour was equal to an adult cat!

The kittens bit…and hissed…and ran and jumped here and there.


Where did this fear of humans come from? Did you learn this all from a feral queen?


Smart mother…


Who in the world would put you in a bag, tie it and throw it in a trashcan?



Fortunately, these two kittens developed no health issues.

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▲ The kittens eating food as soon as they felt safe.

The kittens were named Bong and Ji, together forming the Korean word for ‘plastic bag’ (봉지).


I can be blamed for the terribly naming effort!


The kittens grew into strong and healthy adult cats – though we have no further images. KAPS staff wished to avoid stressing the two now-adult cats with cameras.


The two cats have adjusted to their life at the shelter and live comfortably.


Ji is as ever fearful of people and therefore adoption is, naturally, out of the question. He will live out his life here at our cat shelter.



But Bong…


After living at the shelter and steadily becoming exposed to more persons, his fear seemed to dissolve.


At first, he followed only me around. These days he plays with our volunteers and can easily be approached.


냥이8-1 사본.jpg

냥이8-3 사본.jpg

▲Bong, our September model in our 2019 calendar.



Bong and Ji, we wish you a long and healthy life!

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