재단법인 한국동물보호협회
read 6464 vote 0 2018.12.02 (03:38:34)

2017 August, end of summer. Daegu’s the unyielding heat was exceeding 40C temperatures day after day.


Born and raised in the coastal city of Busan, I could barely survive this heat. I found it difficult to breathe in the hot temperatures. The rumours Daegu is the hottest city in Korea could only be truth.


Thoughts like ‘How can street cats survive this heat…?’ and ‘Daegu barely rains, there must not be drinking water available…’ regularly passed through my mind.


From here I would think of the dogs sold in Chilsong Market’s meat market, held in cramped metal cages outside. They endure pain in life and death.






On one of these hot Daegu days, Minseong rescued 7 kittens from a Goyangi-Tang restaurant – or Cat Meat Stew restaurant – and brought them to our shelter.


But without a moment to stop and think ‘thank goodness the kittens were rescued’, the first kitten rapidly declined and passed away that night.


It was Feline Panleukopenia.


Feline Panleukopenia is a highly contagious viral disease and often fatal for immune compromised cats – kittens and sick cats. The virus infects and destroys the rapidly growing and dividing cells found in the gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, lymphoid tissue and elsewhere.


Feline Panleukopenia spreads through saliva, fur shedding, faecal matter and in utero and can survive a year at room temperature. Thus, Panleukopenia is ubiquitous in the environment and infection rates remain high in unvaccinated cat populations.


We recommend all readers whom are cat owners to remain up to date with their cats’ vaccinations and, if you do come into contact with Panleukopenia, clean all surfaces with a water bleach solution.


Read more about Feline Panleukopenia at MSD Manual’s website: www.msdvetmanual.com






I have been living and working with cats for 20 years and I have seen countless cases of Panleukopenia, but that strain of Panleukopenia I witnessed in Summer 2017 was the deadliest I had ever witnessed.


Within 24 hours, that first kitten began suffering tremors, rapidly declined in health and passed away.


We treated the kittens intensely for 2 weeks but by the end of the month the kittens had one by one passed away and made their way to cat heaven in the sky.


Except Byeol.

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The 7 kittens, rescued from Chilseong Market

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Byeol, receiving treatment 



Byeol during his stay at KAPS’ director’s house.


Byeol, now a healthy and handsome adult cat, has found a new home with Yoonhee. 

For those unfamiliar, our adoption criterium is quite strict and we sometimes must refuse applications for animal adoption. Finding the right human for our cats to spend the rest of their life with is not always simple work.  


By 2018 May 21, Yoonhee had completed one-month trail and went on to complete the application process.


Byeol and her adopter Yoonhee.

We wish you two a long and happy life together and much happiness.

Click here to see recent images of Byeol, in his new home http://www.koreananimals.or.kr/229634



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